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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Noah "Bud" Ogle Nature Trail

This is an easy .75 mile loop hike starting from the well-preserved  Bud Ogle cabin that takes you to LeConte Creek and the Ogle Tub Mill; some foundation stones are along this hike as well. If you like wildflowers, spring is the time to visit; I think I prefer fall colors. From  US 441 in Gatlinburg, take #8 stoplight and drive into the park, bear right onto Cherokee Orchard Road. The historic farmstead is about 2.5 miles from the stoplight. next
This is the Ogle cabin; the Noah "Bud" Ogle Nature Trail starts behind the cabin and loops around for about 3/4 mile. next
The trail leads from behind the Ogle cabin down to the creek and the tub mill. next
The trail takes you past LeConte Creek; the roof of the tub mill can just be seen in the upper left of the frame. next
this is the Ogle Tub Mill located on LeConte Creek. The original stones are still intact inside.